Indie Developer
Small screens make discoverability in your app hard. Even though iOS is now more than ten years old, designing your app to be discoverable is as hard as it ever was. Learn some modern techniques for how to make sure your users *find* the features you spent so many hours implementing.
Dave Verwer ,
Dave is an independent and freelance iOS developer and author of iOS Dev Weekly. He has been developing for the Mac and iOS since 2006 and is secretly quite proud that his first professional gig had him using a (real) vt100 green screen terminal. He's glad he doesn't have to use that any more though!
SwiftUI by examples
Make less design mistakes by following the standards set by SwiftUI. Learn how it provides great practices for colors, padding, adaptive layout, alignment guides, dynamic types and more.
To be addedIn this talk, Paul will walk you through the glorious history of global variables in software development, demonstrate why they aren’t going away any time soon, and even show you how you can use reflection, property wrappers, and Combine to get a little bit of global variable magic in your UIKit code.
There are some cool prizes that you can win.
Paul Hudson ,
Paul is the author of Hacking with Swift, Pro Swift, Swift Design Patterns, Server-Side Swift, Hacking with macOS, Hacking with watchOS, Hacking with tvOS, Swift Coding Challenges, and more. Suffice it to say, he quite likes Swift. And coffee. (But mostly Swift.) (And coffee.)
We're all working hard to add the latest platform features to our applications, whether that's machine learning, augmented reality, or declarative user interfaces, but we really want our apps to be a success, we must understand our users and accommodate their needs. Let's take a look at how you can use Voice Over, Localisation, and Dynamic Type to make an app that adapts better to the needs of your users.
Jeff Watkins ,
Jeff lives an idyllic life on Bainbridge Island with his daughter, girlfriend, and their five cats. He divides his time between writing iOS applications, teaching public speaking workshops, and speaking at conferences. And yes… they know five cats is outrageous, but they love each and every one of their crazy fur balls.
Underlying many large iOS projects is a tangled nest of bash scripts that developers are often afraid to touch for fear of breaking something, and which is littered with print statements from generations of developers trying to figure out how on earth it works. How can we move away from this mess and to something more sustainable? Ellen will discuss moving a codebase like this to a command line tool that can be called from a Swift script, and which can be tested and breakpointed, and just might save a tiny bit of your sanity.
Ellen Shapiro ,
Ellen Shapiro is a mobile engineer for Apollo GraphQL who has been building native apps for both iOS and Android since 2010. She's written tutorials for about iOS and Android since 2013, and is now one of the authors of their Kotlin Apprentice book. When not coding or talking incessantly about coding, Ellen spends her time traveling, biking, playing sous-chef to her fiancée Lilia, and relentlessly instagramming their cat.
In this workshop you’ll learn how to get started with Vapor, the server-side Swift framework. This workshop will teach you everything you need to know to go from nothing to building a full REST API and website. You’ll learn how to interact with databases, set up authentication and build powerful APIs.
In this talk you’ll learn why Swift can be considered as a real contender for developing on the server. We’ll discuss the benefits of Vapor 4 and server-side Swift. In a live demo we’ll build an application to show how easy it is to use Vapor. Finally in the demo, you’ll see how to share code between iOS and your Vapor application
Tim Condon ,
Tim is a Swift developer from Manchester, UK. He's the server-side Swift team lead at and has written the unofficial-official book on Vapor with the founders of the framework. He founded Broken Hands a few years ago delivers talks and workshops on Vapor and server-side Swift around the world. He also co-organises the ServerSide.swift conference - the world’s first and only conference focused on server-side Swift.
When Tamar worked at Tumblr, she was always struck by the stories of Tumblr users falling in love. Tumblr is an interest-based social network, and most people on it begin as strangers. Building technology that allows people - strangers - to connect so deeply is a privilege. Apps are the infrastructure for many of our communities. And despite many people understandably losing faith in social media companies and their ability to handle their immense responsibility, new social networks are still being built and are growing in surprising ways. And they continue to deliver on something incredibly important to users - community. In this talk, she'll be sharing some of the lessons she has learned building social media iOS apps. She’ll focus on how engineers can build strong engineering foundations for new social networks and choose the right tools, discuss foundational product principles that help encourage users to share, create, and participate, and shout out some of my favorite unlikely social networks and what they can teach us about building inspiring iOS apps.
Tamar Nachmany ,
Tamar Nachmany is a senior engineer at Glossier, where she has worked in iOS and across the tech stack, and previously worked on the iOS teams at Tumblr and The New York Times. When she's not writing software she writes fiction. She is very excited to be in Singapore for the first time.
Multithreading in Swift with GCD and Operations
Learn how to implement Sign in with Apple using SwiftUI, to give users more privacy and control in your iOS apps.
Scott Grosch ,
Scott has been an iOS developer since the first public release of the SDK from Apple. His day job is working as a Solutions Architect for a Fortune 500 company in the Pacific Northwest but he does contract work for a couple clients via his one-man shop, Gargoyle Software, LLC.
As an iOS developer you might ask yourself, what are the attacks I should be concerned about, e.g. is it possible to bypass Touch ID? In this talk Sven will make a deep dive into security on iOS Apps, and then head off into some nice mobile hacking demos. Learn what is needed to secure your iOS app?
Sven Schleier ,
Sven is one of the core project leaders and authors of the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide and OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard and has created the OWASP Mobile Hacking Playground. Sven is giving talks and workshops about Mobile and Web Application Security worldwide to different audiences, ranging from developers to students and penetration testers.
The best apps go beyond keyboard shortcuts by supporting full keyboard control. This talk will explore how to do that in your UIKit app, whether it runs on an iPad or uses Catalyst to run on a Mac.
At his previous company Wallapop, Luis and his team have been fight with modules for over 2 years. While they were looking for the best solution to split the app, they've a hit a serious compiler bug several times which didn't let us build the app. In this talk he'd like to tell the story how they were changing the project over time to make it scalable. What worked, and what didn't, where they failed, and what't the current state is.
In this talk, Vojta will cover how to test SwiftUI and Combine. He will discuss the general approach to testing reactive code and share real-world examples of Combine tests. He wil demonstrate testing approaches which worked for UIKit and can’t be used in SwiftUI.
Vojta Stavik ,
Vojta is the lead iOS engineer and founder of Industrial Binaries. He spends most of his day giving second chances to legacy codebases no one wants to touch. He started the Prague branch of CocoaHeads, and writes articles about Swift and iOS development at
This talk is dedicated for the audience that has minimal or no experience with GPU programming on iOS or elsewhere. We will go through on how GPU works and what specific distinction Metal has. Andrey will show how to write modern Metal pipeline that works just blazingly fast and can be easily understood.
What exactly happens before the OS calls your 'main' function? How does iOS know which libraries to load before then? And how can you optimise your startup time? This talk will take a deep look at the launch process, and how iOS’s dynamic linker (lovingly called dyld) resolves library dependencies and loads them in memory.
So you want to draw an image? Typically this requires a designer or illustrator to create one and then export it in three different resolutions. When there were only a few different iOS devices to consider, this had a low cost. By using SVG and SwiftUI, we have a great way of handling images in your apps.
Matt Delves ,
Matt is a macOS and iOS developer based in Melbourne Australia. He has a propensity towards creating apps that are magical and delightful to use. His experiences ranges from backend to front end and feels that such breadth grants the ability to understand the intricacies involved in creating apps.
Swift 5.1 brought a new construct to the language: Property Wrappers. With them, any codebase is now free to define custom property attributes that will suit its own needs. In this talk, Vincent will discuss how they we can be efficiently leveraged, while avoiding pitfalls.
Vincent Pradeilles ,
Vincent started working on iOS apps back in 2011. For the last years, he's been working at Worldline, where he contributes to building great apps for major French banks. He loves Swift and enjoys sharing about it on the Internet. Most notably, he built the framework KeyPathKit that implements a SQL-like syntax for data manipulation. He's also the one behind the Twitter account @ios_memes.
If you don’t need it, don’t use it, don’t have time for it: this lightning talk is for you.
Combine is a new reactive framework by Apple which provides a declarative Swift API for handling asynchronous tasks. This talk will explore how we can form a declarative networking layer using Combine. We will take advantage of the existing combine operators like DataTaskPublisher, Just, Fail, Catch, etc to define (i.e. validate and parse) success and error streams declaratively.
Ritesh Gupta ,
Ritesh is a Mobile Engineering Manager at Fueled, working remotely from somewhere in India (currently Bangalore). He has been developing iOS applications since 2013 and occasionally delves into Kotlin. He enjoys reactive programming and also writes about it on his personal blog He also had the honor of writing one complete issue (295th) of iOS dev weekly & has given multiple talks in various meetups/conferences. When he is not coding, you can find him exploring street food or food markets.
Piracy is a major problem for iOS app developers as it directly impacts revenue. At the same time, it is incredibly easy for users to gain access to paid content for free. All they need to do is download and install freely available tweaks. In this talk, Damian will explain what you can do to protect your premium in-app content and functionality.